Here’s a quick, favorite recipe.  Awesome!  If you like Chinese food you’ll love this dish. 

About a pound of beef stew meat (cubed in package) or chicken breast meat
La Choy brand Light soy sauce (only use this brand or this dish will not taste right)
Meat tenderizer (found in any supermarket) or half teaspoon lemon juice
Garlic powder, ground white pepper, ground ginger, Sugar, corn starch, olive oil
28 oz. Bean sprouts (fresh in produce section of supermarket) or canned (in Asian section)  
Cooked rice (optional)

In a medium bowl pour about 5 tablespoons of La Choy brand Light soy sauce (must use this
brand or this recipe will not turn out right).  Now shake a little meat tenderizer or pour
in about a half-teaspoon of lemon juice in to the bowl. Then shake in a little ACCENT’ brand
food flavor enhancer (MSG).  Next shake about one third teaspoon of  garlic powder into the
bowl.  Next add about a half-teaspoon of sugar.  Then add about 1 teaspoon of cornstarch to
the bowl.  Next add a couple shakes (about an eighth teas.) of ground white pepper and ground
ginger in to the bowl (a teas. of FRESH grated ginger is much better). NOTE: Frozen Ginger
root keeps well in a plastic bag in your freezer,  simply grate it as needed while still
frozen using a fine mesh grater. Mix these ingredients up well using a fork.  (This liquid
forms the “basis” of many Chinese dishes.)  Now “SLICE” up a small package (about a pound)
of beef stew meat cubes (available at any supermarket) or chicken breast meat.  The meat
should be cut up into small half inch pieces or cut into thin slices.  The thiner the slices,
the better it will taste.  Put these meat pieces into the mixture in the bowl.  Using your
clean hands mix the meat pieces around real good making sure that all the meat pieces are
thoroughly covered with the liquid.  Let sit for at least 5 minutes (overnight in the
refrigerator is best).  Now get a 12 inch skillet (if you don’t have a 12 inch skillet you
can use an 8 inch pot) and heat up one and a half tablespoons of olive oil until the oil is
smoking a little (can replace a portion of the olive oil with peanut or sesame oil for extra
flavor.)   Use very high heat. Next dump the entire contents of the bowl (liquid and all)
into the hot skillet slowly (be careful it might splatter somewhat).  Now the trick is to
keep tossing the meat around in the skillet constantly.  Do not let the meat rest for more
than a few seconds in one place.  Keep moving the meat with the spatula only until the meat
is brown and no longer red or bleeding (doesn’t take long), then throw in the 28 oz. of bean
sprouts (if canned then drain them 90%) , carrot slices, water chestnuts, or any other drained
or fresh sliced up vegetable you desire (even lettuce works if it is sliced up).  Toss this
all around in the skillet carefully and mix until all the vegetables are coated with the meat
and any juices.  Keep doing this for no longer than 2 minutes.  The idea is to just “wilt”
the veggies a little bit but you want them to still be kinda crisp.  Turn heat off!  Serve on
plate or bowl and add a dash of fresh soy sauce from the bottle over the top.  Can be served
over cooked rice (then the dish is called Chop Suey), or it can be garnished with canned dry
cooked Chinese noodles found in any supermarket Asian section (then the dish is called Chow Mein).